SoCal Water$mart Device Rebates

Learn more about the variety of device rebates that are available to residential customers of Vista Irrigation District through SoCal Water$mart.
Premium High-efficiency Toilet (1.08 GPF or less) - $40
High-efficiency Clothes Washer (single & multi-family) - $85
Flow Monitor Devices (Leak Detection) - $100
Weather-based Irrigation Controller (less than 1 acre) - $80
Weather-based Irrigation Controller (more than 1 acre) - $35 per station
Rotating Nozzles - $2 (minimum of 30)
Soil Moisture Sensor System (less than 1 acre) - $80
Soil Moisture Sensor System (more than 1 acre)- $35 per irrigation station
Rain Barrel (50+ gallons) - $35 per barrel (maximum of 2)
Cistern (200 - 500 gallons) - $250
Cistern (501 - 999 gallons) - $300
Cistern (1,000+ gallons) - $350
Funding is limited. Rebates are available on a first come, first serve basis. Visit SoCal Water$mart or call (888) 376-3314 for more details.