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A “standing committee” is created by the Board of Directors, is comprised of less than a quorum of the Board, and has either a continuing subject matter jurisdiction or a purpose fixed by ordinance, resolution, or other formal action.  Standing committees meet on an as needed basis.  Agendas for standing committee meetings are posted seventy-two hours in advance of the meeting. 

 Water Sustainability - Kuchinsky, Chair, 

Programs related to water conservation and maintenance of current water sources. Development by VID and/or our supplier(s) of new sources such as desal, brackish water, and recycled water.

Fiscal Policy - Sanchez, Chair, and Miller

District budget and finances, including rates.

Warner Ranch - Miller, Chair, and MacKenzie

Contracts, leases, historical assets, environmental issues, long-range planning, and relations with neighboring property owners.

Public Affairs - Kuchinsky, Chair, and MacKenzie

Public outreach on water conservation and legislation, and public education on major water issues.




An “ad hoc committee” is created and appointed at any Board meeting at the discretion of the Board President, is comprised solely of less than a quorum of the Board, and has a limited or single purpose.  Ad hoc committees meet on an as needed basis.

 Warner Ranch Working Group  - MacKenzie and Miller

A working group comprised of representatives from Vista Irrigation District, City of Escondido and San Luis Rey Indian Water Authority to explore stewardship opportunities on the Warner Ranch.