Scam Alert

Water agency customers in several San Diego County communities have received scam phone calls and door-to-door visits recently of individuals impersonating District personnel or some other type of government agency.
Vista Irrigation District will never contact a customer in-person or by telephone demanding an immediate credit card or cash payment for any reason.
Vista Irrigation District workers never need to enter your home. Water samples for any reported water quality issues are taken by the District from outside of the home. All District employees wear a uniform with their name and Vista Irrgiation District clearly identifiable. Additionally, all District vehicles are clearly marked with our logo. If you have a concern about your water quality you may access our annual Consumer Confidence Report .
Utility scams pop up periodically across the region and take many forms. If in doubt about a contact made by someone claiming to work for Vista Irrigation District, call us at (760) 597-3120 and ask to talk to a customer service representative.