The San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission (“LAFCO”) welcomes all interested residents in San Diego County to apply for the regular public member position with a four-year term commencing in May 2025 and running through April 2029. The position – which is one of 13 seats on the LAFCO Commission – is currently vacant with the most recent incumbent retiring in March 2025. The position holder is expected to attend all regular monthly meetings and actively contribute to the Commission’s deliberations in meeting the Legislature’s prescribed regional growth management tasks. Most commonly, this includes overseeing local cities and special districts’ boundaries and municipal service areas as well as preparing periodic studies to assess their performance relative to community needs. All Commissioners receive a per diem for each regular and special meeting attended.
How to Apply: All interested candidates who are residents of San Diego County and not employees or officers of cities or special districts should submit a resume and brief cover letter summarizing their interest and qualifications in serving as the regular public member. These materials should be e-mailed to Assistant Executive Officer Priscilla Mumpower at no later than April 9, 2025.
Selection Process: All candidate applications received by this date will be transmitted and screened by the Commission’s Executive Committee comprising the Chair, Vice Chair, and Immediate Past Chair at a noticed special meeting. The Executive Committee will interview selected candidates and invite no less than two finalist candidates to be interviewed by the full Commission at a noticed hearing with a formal selection to follow.
Additional information about LAFCO and the role of the Commission is available online at Interested candidates are also invited to discuss the position with Priscilla Mumpower either by email or telephone at (619) 321-3380.