Mitigated Negative Declaration for the E Reservoir Replacement and Pump Station Project
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the E Reservoir Replacement and Pump Station Project
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for Edgehill (E) Reservoir Replacement and Pump Station Project Appendix A - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Memorandum Appendix B - Biological Resources Technical Letter Report Appendix C1 - Cultural Resources Report Appendix C2 - Historical Resources Technical Report Appendix D - Geotechnical Investigation Appendix E1 - Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment Appendix E2 - Asbestos Building Inspection, Lead-Based Paint Testing, and Bulk Sampling of Treated Wood Appendix F - Noise and Vibration Technical Memorandum Appendix G - Responses to Comments Appendix H - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting